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Bankers Institute of the Philippines, Inc.
Quest for Banking Excellence

In-depth Discussion of BSP. Circular Nos. 1160 and 1169 BSP’s Implementing Rules and Regulations of Financial Products and Services Consumer Protection Act [RA 11765]


The Bankers Institute of the Philippines, Inc. (BAIPHIL), in partnership with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), will once again host a webinar on the Financial Products and Services Consumer Protection Act (FCPA) and its implementing rules and regulations: BSP Circular Nos. 1160 and 1169. This webinar will provide comprehensive discussions of each Circular and will clarify BSP’s expectations from the BSP-Supervised Institutions (BSIs) in implementing the Circulars’ provisions.


October 7, 2024 (Monday)

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Webinar Objectives

  1. To discuss, in detail, the consumer protection standards of conduct and expectations from BSIs, under BSP Circular No. 1160 or the Regulations on Financial Consumer Protection to implement the FCPA;
  2. To discuss, in detail, the processes and requirements of BSP Circular No. 1169 or the Rules of Procedure for the Consumer Assistance Mechanism, Mediation and Adjudication of Cases in the BSP; and
  3. To serve as live avenue for BSIs to raise concerns and questions regarding the above issuances.

Target Participants:

Representatives from all interested BAIPHIL member/non-member banks and other financial institutions under BSP jurisdiction, particularly the following:

Board of Directors

Senior Management

Branch Banking Sector

Regional/Branch Heads, or any authorized branch personnel

Personnel from Consumer Protection Department/Unit

Legal Department/Group

Frontline Personnel

Compliance Personnel

Internal Auditor

Virtual Venue:

Zoom Platform

Indicative Webinar Flow:

  9:15 AM – 9:25 AM(10 minutes) Registration PLAY AVP: FCPA (5:45 mins)PLAY AVP: Rights and responsibilities of financial consumers (6:42 mins)
   9:25 AM – 9:35 AM(10 minutes) Morning Preliminaries Webinar Rules/Reminders  
  9:35 AM – 10:05 AM(30 minutes) Opening Remarks ATTY. ELMORE O. CAPULESenior Assistant Governor and General CounselOffice of the General Counsel and Legal Services (OGCLS), BSP 
   10:05 AM – 10:20 AM(15 minutes) Topic 1: Overview of the FCPA and BSP Circular No. 1160 or the Regulations on Financial Consumer Protection MR. ALVIN A. TOLOSABank Officer VConsumer Protection and Market Conduct Office (CPMCO)
 10:20 AM – 10:30 AM(10 minutes) Health Break
    10:30 AM – 11:30 PM(60 minutes)Topic 2. Expectations from BSP Supervised Institutions under the Consumer Protection Standards of Conduct as defined in Circular No. 1160ATTY. RACHEL B. BARBOSA-SALVAActing Deputy Director, CPMCO ATTY. ROWENA C. FIGUEROABank Officer V, CPMCO
    11:30 AM – 12:00 NNOpen ForumAll previous speakers to join as resource persons in this open forumTo be facilitated by a BAIPHIL Moderator
 12:00 NN – 1:00 PM(60 minutes)   Lunch Break
 1:00 PM – 1:10 PM(10 minutes) Afternoon Preliminaries PLAY AVP: BSP Consumer Assistance Mechanism (3:06 mins)PLAY AVP: BSP Online Buddy (AVP 3:42) 
   1:10 PM – 1:40 PM(30 minutes)Topic 3: The BSP Online Buddy and BSP Consumer Assistance Mechanism as second-level recourse under Circular No. 1169ATTY. PAUL KHRISTAN J. BAYLONDeputy Director, CPMCO 
  1:40 PM – 2:10 PM(30 minutes)Topic 4: Mediation of consumer complaints in the BSP under Circular No. 1169ATTY. PATRICIA P. GERALDEZ-SILVASenior Complaints Resolution OfficerConsumer Complaints Resolution Office (CCRO)
  2:10 PM – 2:40 PM(30 minutes)Topic 5: Adjudication of consumer complaints in the BSP under Circular No. 1169ATTY. CARLOS MANUEL S. PRADOActing Deputy Director, CCRO
  2:45 PM – 2:55 PM(10 minutes)  Health Break
  2:55 PM – 3:40 PM(45 minutes)  Open Forum All previous speakers to join as resource person in this open forumTo be facilitated by BAIPHIL secretariat, tbc
     3:40 PM – 3:50 pm(10 minutes)  Closing Remarks ATTY. CHARINA B. DE VERA-YAPManaging DirectorFinancial Inclusion and Consumer Empowerment Sub-SectorRegional Operations and Advocacy Sector, BSP
  3:50 PM – 4:00 PM(10 minutes)  Extro PLAY AVP: Mag-ingat sa fraud at scam (5:06 mins)PLAY AVP: Check-Protect-Report (tbc)


From Member Institution – P 2,800.00

From Non-Member Institution – P 3,920.00

**VAT Inclusive


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