The Bankers Institute of the Philippines, Inc. (BAIPHIL), in partnership with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), will once again host a webinar on the Financial Products and Services Consumer Protection Act (FCPA) and its implementing rules and regulations: BSP Circular Nos. 1160 and 1169. This webinar will provide comprehensive discussions of each Circular and will clarify BSP’s expectations from the BSP-Supervised Institutions (BSIs) in implementing the Circulars’ provisions.
October 7, 2024 (Monday)
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Webinar Objectives
- To discuss, in detail, the consumer protection standards of conduct and expectations from BSIs, under BSP Circular No. 1160 or the Regulations on Financial Consumer Protection to implement the FCPA;
- To discuss, in detail, the processes and requirements of BSP Circular No. 1169 or the Rules of Procedure for the Consumer Assistance Mechanism, Mediation and Adjudication of Cases in the BSP; and
- To serve as live avenue for BSIs to raise concerns and questions regarding the above issuances.
Target Participants:
Representatives from all interested BAIPHIL member/non-member banks and other financial institutions under BSP jurisdiction, particularly the following:
Board of Directors
Senior Management
Branch Banking Sector
Regional/Branch Heads, or any authorized branch personnel
Personnel from Consumer Protection Department/Unit
Legal Department/Group
Frontline Personnel
Compliance Personnel
Internal Auditor
Virtual Venue:
Zoom Platform
Indicative Webinar Flow:
Time | Agenda |
9:15 AM – 9:25 AM(10 minutes) | Registration PLAY AVP: FCPA (5:45 mins)PLAY AVP: Rights and responsibilities of financial consumers (6:42 mins) |
9:25 AM – 9:35 AM(10 minutes) | Morning Preliminaries Webinar Rules/Reminders |
9:35 AM – 10:05 AM(30 minutes) | Opening Remarks ATTY. ELMORE O. CAPULESenior Assistant Governor and General CounselOffice of the General Counsel and Legal Services (OGCLS), BSP |
10:05 AM – 10:20 AM(15 minutes) | Topic 1: Overview of the FCPA and BSP Circular No. 1160 or the Regulations on Financial Consumer Protection MR. ALVIN A. TOLOSABank Officer VConsumer Protection and Market Conduct Office (CPMCO) |
10:20 AM – 10:30 AM(10 minutes) | Health Break |
10:30 AM – 11:30 PM(60 minutes) | Topic 2. Expectations from BSP Supervised Institutions under the Consumer Protection Standards of Conduct as defined in Circular No. 1160ATTY. RACHEL B. BARBOSA-SALVAActing Deputy Director, CPMCO ATTY. ROWENA C. FIGUEROABank Officer V, CPMCO |
11:30 AM – 12:00 NN | Open ForumAll previous speakers to join as resource persons in this open forumTo be facilitated by a BAIPHIL Moderator |
12:00 NN – 1:00 PM(60 minutes) | Lunch Break |
1:00 PM – 1:10 PM(10 minutes) | Afternoon Preliminaries PLAY AVP: BSP Consumer Assistance Mechanism (3:06 mins)PLAY AVP: BSP Online Buddy (AVP 3:42) |
1:10 PM – 1:40 PM(30 minutes) | Topic 3: The BSP Online Buddy and BSP Consumer Assistance Mechanism as second-level recourse under Circular No. 1169ATTY. PAUL KHRISTAN J. BAYLONDeputy Director, CPMCO |
1:40 PM – 2:10 PM(30 minutes) | Topic 4: Mediation of consumer complaints in the BSP under Circular No. 1169ATTY. PATRICIA P. GERALDEZ-SILVASenior Complaints Resolution OfficerConsumer Complaints Resolution Office (CCRO) |
2:10 PM – 2:40 PM(30 minutes) | Topic 5: Adjudication of consumer complaints in the BSP under Circular No. 1169ATTY. CARLOS MANUEL S. PRADOActing Deputy Director, CCRO |
2:45 PM – 2:55 PM(10 minutes) | Health Break |
2:55 PM – 3:40 PM(45 minutes) | Open Forum All previous speakers to join as resource person in this open forumTo be facilitated by BAIPHIL secretariat, tbc |
3:40 PM – 3:50 pm(10 minutes) | Closing Remarks ATTY. CHARINA B. DE VERA-YAPManaging DirectorFinancial Inclusion and Consumer Empowerment Sub-SectorRegional Operations and Advocacy Sector, BSP |
3:50 PM – 4:00 PM(10 minutes) | Extro PLAY AVP: Mag-ingat sa fraud at scam (5:06 mins)PLAY AVP: Check-Protect-Report (tbc) |
From Member Institution – P 2,800.00
From Non-Member Institution – P 3,920.00
**VAT Inclusive